Headshot Photo of Paul

Updated News Mr Paul Jarrett’s Clinic

Expert Shoulder Clinic

Over the last few years there has been extensive research on whether physiotherapy or surgery is the best treatment for some shoulder conditions. It’s tempting to consider that when there is a physical issue with a shoulder, that the solution should be surgery to repair the injured structure. Whilst at times surgery for the damaged structures is the most appropriate option, the ability of the numerous muscles and tendons around the shoulder to compensate for damaged structures should not be underestimated.

There have been good quality studies looking at the treatment of subacromial impingement or bursitis and some rotator cuff tears, with either physiotherapy or surgery followed by physiotherapy. Frequently the outcome of either of these treatments is similar so therefore over the last five years were have been treating a larger portion of patients with good quality, targeted physiotherapy with our highly specialised senior shoulder physiotherapists with great results.

How this is achieved in our clinic

To facilitate the best treatment for patients we have introduced a combined Expert Shoulder Clinic in which patients with some shoulder conditions can see Simon Millichip or Jane Waddy, our physiotherapists, and Paul Jarrett in the same clinic appointment. This enables a clear plan to be made and if physiotherapy is likely to work we can commence treatment or produce a plan to assist your own physiotherapists to continue your care. Alternatively, if further investigations or surgery are more appropriate these can be arranged. This produced a team based approach in one single appointment for maximal efficiency for you and with the best communication between your therapists and surgeon. Further follow-up appointments can also be in the combined expert clinic also.


Anna Lisa Baker, our senior Occupational Therapists spends one day of her week at the practise solely on research activities. As a clinic we have been developing considerable expertise on minimally invasive distal biceps tendon repair and optimum rehabilitation after surgery for this condition. The production of several scientific papers is currently underway and the first has already been submitted for publication. We are very proud of our treatment for this condition which we consider world-leading.

The introduction of Trackactive

We recently changed our patient outcome software to Trackactive which is both a system for looking at how patients are progressing and also assist patients to undertake their exercises. We have been delighted at how well our patients have been responding to Trackactive and the information it provides really assists in providing the best care possible for patients and assisting us with assessing the effectiveness of each treatment.

Recent publication by Mr Jarrett

Paul recently published five book chapters on minimally invasive surgery including telescope guided tendon transfer for hand tendon injuries *, minimally invasive plate fixation for distal radial fractures, minimally invasive surgery for ulnar nerve compression at the elbow *, using telescopes to remove bone tumours in the hand and telescope guided decompression surgery in the forearm for chronic compartment syndromes*. The chapters marked with “*” included procedures developed by Paul. Some of these topics were covered by Paul in his lectures at the June 2022 meeting of International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand meeting in London.

If you wish to make an appointment regarding your upper limb issue or discuss anything with our team please contact us on 1300 527 738.