Your Hands
The hand is an extraordinary part of the body, with a large number of bones, joints, ligaments and tendons. It has an amazing degree of neurological input from the brain. As an experienced hand surgeon, Dr Jarrett is intrigued by the function of the hand. He has many years experience in identifying the problems that can occur with your hands. He is a highly respected hand surgeon with advanced training in his field. Dr Jarrett is constantly updating his knowledge, researching and teaching. You can rest assured that you will receive treatment in-line with the latest technologies and procedures available.
Your Wrists
The wrist is a series of highly complex joints with numerous bones, ligaments and tendons producing its function. It is amazing that such a complex set of structures work as well as they normally due! Unfortunately, injury or degeneration can affect the wrist. There are many ways of diagnosing and treating wrist problems. As an experienced wrist surgeon, Dr Jarrett can advise you of the best treatment options for your wrist problems.