We are delighted you have chosen to entrust your care in our Orthopaedic practice, and wish you the best in your healthcare journey.
Providing specialist care for your shoulder, hand and upper limb conditions.
Dr Jarrett’s practice is based at St John of God Murdoch Hospital. He provides treatment for private and work-cover patients.
About Dr Paul Jarrett
MB ChB FRCSEd(Tr. & Orth.) FRACS FAOrthoA
Hand, Wrist, Shoulder and Elbow Orthopaedic Surgeon
Specialising in Arthroscopic, Endoscopic soft tissue, Minimally Invasive and Microsurgery
Dr Paul Jarrett is a Specialist Orthopaedic and Hand Surgeon with over 20 years’ experience of treating hand and upper limb conditions. Training in Orthopaedic, Plastics and Hand Surgery Units in the Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom has allowed Dr Jarrett to become expert at all aspects of hand, wrist, shoulder and upper limb conditions including bone, joint, tendon, nerve and micro-vascular surgery.
Following Specialist training, Dr Paul Jarrett completed the prestigious British Society for Surgery of the Hand Interface Fellowship in Hand Surgery at the St Andrew’s Plastic Surgery Centre in Chelmsford -one of Europe’s largest Hand Surgery Centres. Dr Jarrett also trained in peripheral nerve surgery at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, England.
Dr Jarrett is Clinical Senior Lecturer at the University of Western Australia and Adjunct Senior Lecturer to Notre Dame University and his involvement in orthopaedic research has seen his peer-reviewed papers published in international journals such as the Journal of Hand Surgery European volume, Journal of Hand Surgery: American Volume, and Microsurgery.
Dr Jarrett is often asked to present at national and international scientific meetings and courses and he regularly teaches medical students, orthopaedic surgeon trainees, Orthopaedic and Plastic surgeons and allied health professionals.
He has been invited to write book chapters for specialist surgical texts. His research interests include minimally invasive distal radial fracture surgery, endoscopic soft tissue surgery, endoscopic distal biceps tendon repair, scaphoid fractures, collagenase injections for Dupuytren’s disease, denervation surgery for painful joints, imaging in shoulder adhesive capsulitis and surgeon performed ultrasound in hand and upper limb practise.

Paul Jarrett is also a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon at Fremantle Hospital and the Head of the Department of Hand Surgery.
Dr Paul Jarrett is a fellow of:
Dr Jarrett believes in a careful considered team approach to healthcare.
His clinic brings an unparalleled range of services to you in his rooms. He has built up a team of experts at his clinic over many years to create the best environment for your treatment.
His team of in-house senior therapists, including Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists and an Exercise Physiologist who have a wealth of experience to assist you in your rehabilitation or who can advise your own therapists in continued care. His Clinical Nurse Emma will often assist in your care in the clinic and in the operating theatre as a theatre nurse providing further consistency between the clinic and surgery if required.
Mr Jarrett has been undertaking surgeon-performed for many years to provide more precise diagnosis or surgeon performed injections where required, without the inconvenience of additional radiology clinic visits. The clinical care is backed up by his excellent full-service administration team to optimise your healthcare journey.
We are committed to excellence and providing the best hand and upper limb care to every patient, every day.
We hope you find our website helpful. We provide information and videos to help you understand of your body and the types of treatments available to you.
We focus on the main regions of the upper limb. We provide information on the anatomy of the upper limb body parts, how they work, what can go wrong and the different treatment options available. We also offer advice relating to aftercare.
The Orthopaedic Surgeons at Murdoch provide a 24 hour on–call service in the event of emergencies and after-hours calls via the Murdoch Hospital Emergency Department. For non-emergencies, we recommend you obtain a referral letter from your G.P and book an appointment with Dr Jarrett.